Eggventure ss5 Launching on July 14nd with New Feature: Minerals!

Eggventure Season 5 launches at 4:00 UTC on July 14th, 2024

Offering aspiring trainers a chance to discover and mint Oncha-eggs, unlocking the potential for fantastic rewards, but that’s not all.

Season 5 introduces a brand new feature: Minerals!

Unearth the Power of Minerals

The Mineral feature adds a whole new layer of strategy and resource gathering to Eggventure. Here’s how it works:

  • Eggs, Sparkling Rewards: Eggs that survive during the Apocalypse Phase have the power to generate stones. The lucky eggs that randomly locate in quarry areas on the map will produce valuable resources!
  • Rarity Matters: The rarer the egg and the higher its shield level, the more and better quality stones you’ll collect. These stones become yours when you abandon your eggs during the Apocalypse phase (but abandoning mid-generation won’t yield any stones).

Mining for Success: A Breakdown of Stones

  • How to Mine Stones: Look out for special eggs with the ability to generate stones in specific areas.
  • Rarity Matters: The rarity of your egg determines the level of the stones it generates. Higher rarity eggs produce higher-level stones.
  • Quantity Over Quality: The number of stones an egg generates depends on the highest shield level, plus 1.
  • Elemental Synergy: The type of stone you earn depends on the location of your egg within the Mineral Mine.

The Mineral Mine: A Haven for Resourceful Trainers

The map features four designated quarry areas, each corresponding to a specific element:

  • Red (Fire)
  • Green (Wind)
  • Blue (Water)
  • Yellow (Earth)

Eggs placed in these areas will generate stones when abandoned during the Apocalypse. Remember, abandoning during the generation phase won’t yield any stones. Each quarry awards stones of the same element it represents.

Amount of Stone

The number of stones received is based on the highest shield level (fire, wind, water, or earth) of any egg on the map, plus 1. Here’s an example to illustrate:

Imagine you have the eggs with 12 earth shields, another with 8 fire shields, and a third with 4 water shields.

In this case, all eggs in the quarry (regardless of element) will receive 13 stones of their corresponding color (earth, fire, or water) when you abandon them during the Apocalypse.

Rarity Levels

Stones come in various rarities, offering increasing value:

  • Common (Level 1)
  • Rare (Level 2)
  • Elite (Level 3)
  • Epic (Level 4)
  • Legendary (Level 5)

Get Ready to get your monster in Eggventure!

Eggventure Season 5 promises to be an exciting season filled with strategic egg placement, resource gathering, and the potential for incredible rewards. Are you ready to unleash your inner trainer and delve into the world of Minerals? Mark your calendars for the launch on July 14th, 2024, and get ready to create a legendary adventure!